One-to-One Home Exercise

Are you struggling to lose weight due to busy schedules, lack of motivation or simply finding it hard to exercise outside your comfort zone? Look no further than Your Health Norfolk!

We offer a personalised one-to-one weight management service in the comfort of your own home, tailored to fit your unique lifestyle and goals. Our expert team of professionals is dedicated to helping you overcome barriers to exercise and achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

With our programme, you can say goodbye to fad diets and generic workout plans that simply don't work. We understand that each individual is unique, which is why we develop a customised plan that caters to your specific needs and preferences. Our aim is to make weight loss and healthy living accessible and enjoyable, without compromising on effectiveness.

Say hello to a happier, healthier you with Your Health Norfolk. Let us help you achieve your weight loss goals and transform your life today!

During the assessment, your exercise professional will ask you about your current eating habits, your physical activity level, your medical history, and any medications you are taking. They will also take measurements such as your weight, height, and waist circumference to assess your overall health and determine your body mass index (BMI).

Based on the information gathered during the assessment, the exercise professional will provide personalised recommendations to help you achieve your weight management goals.
Recommendations may include:

  • Specific dietary changes, such as increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, reducing your intake of processed foods and added sugars, and incorporating more lean protein into your diet.

  • A customised exercise plan based on your fitness level, interests, and lifestyle.

  • Strategies to help you overcome emotional eating or other barriers to weight loss.

  • Agreeing upon goals will provide you with a clear roadmap of what you aim to accomplish and the steps you plan to take to get there.